
The pavilion is prototypical architecture, drawing from the multidisciplinary source of product design- urban planning-architecture and naval design. The pavilion is resolved as a vessel - a floating exhibition space that can be sailed to other cities. It's an evolution of architecture- a futuristic adaptable living building that can adapt to suit an unknowable future. Its ingenuity will encourage multidisciplinary problem solving through sustainable solutions.

The concept, as presented, allows for the evolution of the schematic design which is alive, adaptive, and reactive to its oceanic environments. It aims to create a strong expression of the exhibition theme "The Living Ocean and Coast". Anchored to the coastline as if a living organism, rising and falling with the tides, the Pavilion illustrates the strong bond and interdependence of the ocean and the coastal eco system. The design sequesters the theoretical sciences and biology, taking contours from fluid dynamics and oceanic organisms showing the previously static building model to be outdated welcoming a new paradigm of living architecture. The pavilion becomes a vessel filled with analogous relationships to technology and marine life.

Yeosu is an emerging young city that demands a radically new metaphor. This vessel can carry the metaphor of change like an ark to the new world, a positive message to future generations, offering a platform for people to collaborate and create. Sustainability and conservation run through the design approach, allowing continued use of the pavilion well after the world expo has concluded. The open interior incorporates enough flexibility to accommodate all types of events and uses, while being financially efficient and optimizing investment returns, ensuring the full viability of the project.

Ocean conservation at an international and regional scale will be given an iconic beacon with its extensive exhibition program, promoting the commitment and efforts of Yesou and Korea in exploring environmental issues beyond the 2012 World Expo. "Fluid" the Amphibian pavilion will promote dialogue and encourage collaboration between Asia pacific countries about the importance of the preservation of oceans and ecosystem.

See full article on www.e-architect.co.uk


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I'am currently a student of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University (UIN) Malang on Architecture Department



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