3deluxe’s Leonardo Glass Cube Communicates a brand through the building


Leonardo Glass Cube is the first permanent building implemented by 3deluxe. On the premises of the glazing company Glaskoch, the Leonardo Glass Cube conveys to guests and the staff alike the company’s philosophy and visions in an inspiring manner across a total area of 2,900 sq m.

The glass façade of the building represents the passage to a hyper-naturalistic world with heightened aesthetic appeal. The graphically illustrated elements displayed on it were derived from the architecture and the surrounding landscape.

Three white sculptural structures – so-called ‘Genetics’ – connect the separate zones of the building to each other again. On the glass façade ‘Genetics’ appear again in a two-dimensional version. The superimposed pilaster strips are continued in a network of white concrete pathways that surrounds the entire building and lets it grow together with its location.

On both floors the wall rolls in to form niches that are used for various functions such as themed product orchestrations and meeting lounges. In particular in the breaks in the wall these lines predominate as a significant graphic design element that is continued on the ceiling as a system of ventilation joints.

Taken from : http://www.worldarchitecturenews.com


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I'am currently a student of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University (UIN) Malang on Architecture Department



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